The design of the System SYP 310 exemplifies Intel’s Open System concept of allowing OEMs to add value to the system in any of the following three ways:
- Adding the most recent as well as future generations of VLSI microcomputers
- Taking advantage of industry-standard hardware and software, both from Intel and independent vendors
- Integrating OEM-designed hardware and software into the system at any level (system, board, or component)
To support this Open System concept, Intel offers the following hardware and software modules for use in the System 310.
The processor board or use with the System SYP 310 is the iSBC® 286/12 processor board, based on the Intel 80286 microprocessor. For increased processing power, you can add an 80287 floating-point math coprocessor to the board.
Intel offers a choice of two industry-standard operating systems for use with the System 310: Intel’s iRMX™ Operating System and Microsoft’s XENIX* Operating System. Both of these operating systems are powerful vehicles for developing and supporting applications programs or for running off-the-shelf iRMX- or XENIX- compatible programs.
The System 310 chassis provides space for two 5i-inch disk drives. These spaces can be filled with one or two double-sided, double-density diskette drive and a Winchester hard disk drive.
The attractive, low-profile chassis for the System 310 is 17 inches
wide, 6% inches high, and 20 inches deep, and weighs 40 pounds. It
contains a power supply, cooling fans, and a seven-slot cardeage.
A monitor program and a set of diagnostie programs, located in PROMs, are included with the System 310. These programs provide start-up diagnostics for verifying that the system is operating correctly. An additional set of diagnostic programs, some provided on a diskette and some with the operating system, can be used for troubleshooting and fault isolation.