Compucorp Calculators


Compucorp was a pioneering company in the early days of electronic calculators, renowned for producing some of the most advanced and versatile machines of the 1970s. Originally founded as Computer Design Corporation (CDC) in the late 1960s, the company later rebranded as Compucorp. With a focus on developing advanced computing solutions for business and scientific applications, Compucorp quickly gained a reputation for innovation, particularly in the realm of electronic calculators.

Compucorp’s product lineup included a range of calculators tailored to different markets, including business, scientific, and statistical applications. These calculators were known for their sophisticated features, which were ahead of their time. For instance, they offered programmable functions, memory storage, and advanced mathematical capabilities, making them highly sought after in professional and academic circles. The company was among the first to integrate microprocessor technology into calculators, allowing for more complex operations and greater flexibility. Additionally, Compucorp was recognized for its use of Panaplex gas discharge displays, which provided clear and bright numerical output.

Compucorp calculators were particularly popular in scientific research, engineering, and financial institutions due to their reliability and powerful computing abilities. Their products found a strong market in Europe, including in Poland, where they were used in various research institutions.

Though Compucorp eventually ceased operations as the market for calculators evolved and competition increased, their products remain highly valued among collectors and technology enthusiasts today. The company is remembered for its significant contributions to the development of early electronic calculators and for pushing the boundaries of portable computing technology. Models like the Compucorp 326 are now considered vintage items, prized for their historical significance and technological innovation.