The 8086 CPU can be used with the 8087 NDP (Numeric Data Processor) and/or with the 8089 lOP (Input/Output Processor). The 8087 NDP is capable of expanding the 8086 CPU’s arithmetic abilities to include floating point calculations. The ICE-86A emulator provides extended capabilities to allow debugging of systems using the 8086 CPU with the 8087 NDP.
Coprocessor debugging is aided by the following ICE-86A features:
- Three real number types for memory content references
- Four external buffer box signals to aid in coordinating the user system with the ICE-86A emulator
- RQGT and BUS commands for the operation of the 8086 RQGT lines
- DASM and DEFINE DASM commands for disassembling 8087 instructions
- Emulation timer for optimizing coprocessor code The 8089 lOP allows for more efficient handling of processor
The 8089 Real-Time Breakpoint Facility (RBF-89) is a software superset of the ICE-86 emulator Version 1.2, a previous 8086 emulator. RBF~89 includes most of the ICE-86A features plus the following features that aid in designing systems based on an 8086 CPU used with an 8089 IOP:
- Commands to initialize the 8089 IOP
- Commands to control program execution on the 8089 IOP
- Commands to disassemble 8089 instructions
RBF-89 software runs on ICE-86 or ICE-86A hardware but does not include the following ICE-86A features:
- External buffer bus signals are not available.
- ENABLE/DISABLE SYMBOLICALLY commands are not available.
- DASM and DEFINE DASM for disassembling 8087 instructions commands are not available.
- ENABLE/DISABLE EXPANSION commands are not available.
- The SELECTING modifier for the LOAD command is not available.
- The one-byte CAUSE register is returned rather than the string associated with various conditions.
- The three real number types (REAL, DREAL, and TREAL) are not available.