iSBC-80-24 board features:
- Upward compatible with iSBC 80/20-4 Single Board Computer
- 8085A-2 CPU operating at 4_8 or 2.4 MHz Ii Two iSBX™ bus connectors for iSBX MULTIMODULE™ board expansion
- 4K bytes of static read/write memory expandable on-board to 8K bytes using the iSBC 301 MULTIMODULE Board
- Sockets for up to 32K bytes of read only memory
- 48 programmable parallel 1/0 lines with sockets for interchangeable line drivers and terminators
- Programmable synchronous/asynchronous RS232C compatible serial interface with software selectable baud rates
- Full MULTIBUS® control logic for multi master configurations and system expansion
- Two programmable 16-bit BCDor binary timers/event counters .
- 12 levels of programmable interrupt control
- Auxiliary power bus, memory protect, and power-fail interrupt control logic provided for battery backup RAM requirements