INTEL iSBC-80/24

General description

The Intel® iSBC 80/24 Single Board Computer is a member of Intel’s complete line of OEM microcomputer systems which take full advantage of Intel’s LSI technology to provide economical, self-contained computer-based solutions for OEM applications. The iSBC 80/24 board is a complete computer system on a single 6.75 x 12.00-inch printed circuit card. The CPU, system clock, iSBX bus interface, readlwrite memory, read only memory sockets, 1/0 ports and drivers, serial communications interface, priority interrupt logic, and programmable timers all reside on the board. Full MULTIBUS interface logic is included to offer compatibility with the Intel OEM Microcomputer Systems family of Single Board Computers, expansion memory options, digital and analog 1/0 expansion boards, and peripheral and communications controllers.

iSBC-80-24 board features:

  • Upward compatible with iSBC 80/20-4 Single Board Computer
  • 8085A-2 CPU operating at 4_8 or 2.4 MHz Ii Two iSBX™ bus connectors for iSBX MULTIMODULE™ board expansion
  • 4K bytes of static read/write memory expandable on-board to 8K bytes using the iSBC 301 MULTIMODULE Board
  • Sockets for up to 32K bytes of read only memory
  • 48 programmable parallel 1/0 lines with sockets for interchangeable line drivers and terminators
  • Programmable synchronous/asynchronous RS232C compatible serial interface with software selectable baud rates
  • Full MULTIBUS® control logic for multi master configurations and system expansion
  • Two programmable 16-bit BCDor binary timers/event counters .
  • 12 levels of programmable interrupt control
  •  Auxiliary power bus, memory protect, and power-fail interrupt control logic provided for battery backup RAM requirements

Block diagram


MULTIBUS System Expansion Capabilities

Memory and I/O capacity may be expanded and additional functions added using Intel MULTIBUS system compatible expansion boards. Memory may be expanded to 65,536 bytes by adding user specified combinations· of RAM boards, EPROM boards, or combination boards. Input/output capacity may be increased by adding digital I/O and analog I/O expansion boards. Mass storage capability may be achieved by adding single or double density diskette or hard disk controllers as subsystems. Expanded communication needs can be handled by communication controllers. Modular expandable backplanes and card cages are available to support multi board systems.


Real-Time Software

The iRMX™ 80 executive, which contains all major real-time facilities including priority-based system resource allocation, intertask communication and control, interrupt driven control for standard I/O devices, and interrupt handling, occupies 2K bytes of memory which can be stored on-board in EPROM. Optional linkable and relocatable modules for console control (CRT or TTY), disk file system, and analog subsystems are provided with the iRMX 80 package. These facilities eliminate the need for users to design and implement application specific executives, greatly simplifying application design and reducing development time and risk.