An in-circuit emulator enhances the power of the Intellec system by inserting special development logic between the prototype system and its microprocessor, and by extending the range of controls that can be entered through the system console.
Only four years separate the introduction of the first microcomputer design aid, Intel’s SIM-4-01, and the introduction of the Intellec MDS.
Seen in terms of later developments, the Intellec system alone is limited in the scope of its operations. Circuits to be tested must be compatible with the development system’s bus architecture. The system debug support does not extend into the prototype system. Software and hardware development may be isolated from one another during most of the design effort.
The Intellec system with an in-circuit emulator option contains at least two microprocessors. The Intellec processor supervises system resources, executes system monitor commands, and drives system peripherals. A second processor, the ICE processor, interfaces directly to the designer’s prototype or production system via an external cable. The ICE cable is terminated in a plug that fits the microprocessor socket in the user system. When you plug the ICE cable into your system’s microprocessor socket, the development system debug aids are extended directly into your system.