Intel Development System

Intellec8 /Mod8

General description

The INTELLEC 8/MOD 8 is a low-cost computer system, designed to simplify the development of microcomputer systems which employ Intel 8008 CPU chip processors.

The INTELLEC 8/MOD 8 uses the 8008-1 as its central processing unit. The 8008-1 is a selected version of the 8008, chosen for its high speed characteristics. The 8008-1 has a basic cycle time of 12.5 microseconds, whereas that of the 8008 is 20 microseconds. The system contains a control console and provides read-write program memory as a substitute for read-only memory. Thus the 8008-1 chip can be accessed via the control console, and programs debugged before being committed to read-only memory. Turn around time from initial system concept to finished product is shortened, and systems development costs are thus reduced.

The INTELLEC 8/MOD 8 has its own power supply, cabinet, display and control panel, 8192 bytes of Random Access Memory, a Programmable Read-Only Memory Module with 4K capacity, and an Input/Output Module which contains four 8-bit input ports and four 8-bit output ports as well as provision for serial communications interface and a PROM Programmer.

The Bare Bones 8 is an INTELLEC 8/MOD 8 without the power supply, display and control console, or cabinet, and is designed for rack-mounting. Either the INTELLEC 8/MOD 8 or the Bare Bones 8 can be expanded up to a total of 16K bytes of memory, eight input ports, and twenty-four output ports.

The standard software for the INTELLEC 8 includes a resident System Monitor, a Text Editor, and an Assembler. In addition to these INTELLEC 8 resident programs, there are available three development programs, which. are designed for operation on large-scale, general-purpose computers. These are a macro cross-assembler (MAC/S), a microcomputer simulator (lNTERP/8). and a PLIM compiler. PL/M is a high-level language that can shorten program development time significantly.

Intellec8 Mod8 Boards


The INTELLEC8 /MOD8 is made up of separate units, each of which performs a different task in making up a complete system. These units are:
  1. The imm8-82 Central Processor Module, which operates as the Central Processor for the INTELLEC8 /MOD8. In this capacity, it performs the following functions.
    a) It controls the execution of program instructions, sending the appropriate control signals to the other modules which make up the INTELLEC8 /MOD8.
    b) It performs all of the necessary airthmetic, logical, and data manipulation operations necessary for program operation.
    c) It controls overall system timing.
  2. The imm6-28 Random Access Memory Module, which provides 4,096 S-bit words of ReadtWrite memory for system use. As many as four cards can be used in a system, for a memory capacity of 16K.
  3. The imm6-26 Programmable Read-only Memory Module, which provides up to 4,096 words of Read-only memory in increments of 256 words, and which may be operated in parallel with the system Random Access Memory. Again, more than one card may be used, giving a total Read-only mem ory capacity of 16K words.
  4. The imm8-60 Input/Output Module, which provides four eight-bit input ports and four eight-bit output ports for system Input/Output operations. In addition, two of the input ports and two of the output ports may be used with integral Teletype communications circuits to provide Teletype I/O. Up to two of these cards may be used in a system, giving a total of eight input ports and eight output ports.
  5. The imm6-76 PROM Programmer Card, which gives the INTELLEC8 /MOD8 system the capability of programm ing Intel 1602A or 1702A Programmable Read-only Memory chips.
  6. The Front Panel Controller and Display Console, which provides a means of controlling program execution, program debugging, and INTELLEC8 /MOD8 operation. It also provides displays of system status and information.